
Updating the solver for the infinite resistor grid from xkcd 356

With the new release of nodal.py I could greatly improve the code presented in the previous blog post. We now have a simpler script that will also run faster.

What’s new

The new release of nodal provides some new objects in a nicely packaged format, allowing me to rewrite the solver in a much simpler and maintainable form.

To make the code faster I started using sparse matrices to represent the circuit. Since electrical networks are often not densely connected, with few or no components at all connecting any two given nodes, using the sparse methods from scipy results in memory and runtime savings.

In the new release of nodal applying this change is just a matter of setting the sparse flag to true when building the circuit from the netlist:

netlist = nodal.Netlist("netlist.csv")
circuit = nodal.Circuit(netlist, sparse=True)
e = circuit.solve().result

New results

In this table we can compare the new and old results of the simulation:

n result (Ω) old runtime (s) new runtime (s)
21 0.77934 0.0289 0.1233
51 0.77428 0.2435 0.4533
71 0.77377 1.2203 0.7980
101 0.77350 8.7821 1.5985
171 0.77333 226.1542 4.5561
201 0.77330 - 6.5638
501 0.77325 - 45.3930
1001 0.77324 - 226.4865

[tests run on Intel i7 processor, 8GB RAM]

The results of the old and new methods are equal up to rounding errors.

Graph of time versus n

The main take-away is that the new methods allowed me to run simulations of grids with \(n \geq 191\), where the old simulation would instead crash because it ran out of memory.

Complete updated code